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Product Blog

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iLove my iRobot Vacuum

I gave myself a gift for Christmas. Mind you, I celebrate real Christmas, which coincides with Kwanzaa- December 25 through January 5. So, when products go on sale after commercial Christmas- December 25, I am still gifting and celebrating.

Among the published list of “After-Christmas” super sale items on Amazon, was the iRobot Vacuum. I had always wanted one, and here it was for $111 off the regular price. How could I pass that up! I had recently learned that many of my mature women colleagues had been using them for years! I had been hesitant to buy one for a long time because past reviews of the iRobot products were poor due to frequent and expensive maintenance. But when you wait a few years, the bugs get worked out. Kudos to iRobot for being able to make it through the difficult phase of product maturation.

I love it! Sitting back and watching it go the first time was entertainment. I learned what objects to move out of its way before turning it on and its storage capacity after cleaning 1 or 2 rooms.. My model works with Wifi and can be scheduled and started remotely with an app. How wonderful! Coming home to a clean floor after work or vacation is one of life’s small joys.

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